Story of Beauty & I

.. well it's not really a story story... it's just things I've jotted down in what majorities have asked me in the past :)

First of all, I'm blessed with good skin. #thanksrentsfordemgenes
  • started using Simple skincare products daily (like cleanser, toner and moisturiser) since I was 13. Used it for half a year until I found out that it didn't suit me. #dunnowhy Got recommended to use Nivea Visage Young products. And have been using them until the end of highschool; started using korean skincare products since 1st year of university (and have been exploring ever since!)
  • I always have terrible dark black circles under my eyes :( and I have always detested it >.< But obviously, back in the school days, I've seen girls use makeup when we're not supposed to. They never really bothered me until Yr 12 Ball came along.... and it's like that kind of night when all girls are willing to go out and spend heaps just to get their makeup professionally done. Having a truly asian mum, she never gets this concept of how special a ball is at school @.@ Hence, I never got the chance to have my makeup done professionally. And so before school starts, went to my hometown as usual. Found out that my cousin and his wife opened a cosmetics shop, called Elianto :) And I explained my situation. Being a total noob back then, I didn't even know what was makeup and had a totally wrong perception of makeup >.< And I'm so glad I approached her with my concern. Thanks to her, she introduced me to the world of makeup. #trulythankful As I only had little time and she was very busy, she recommended me a stick concealer, which at that time, was my saviour! So yes, for my Yr 12 Ball, a concealer stick was what I used to cover my dark circles and snapped up some pretty amazing photos :) Though it can never be compared to other girls and their efforts into getting them done professionally, but I was already so grateful to have that concealer. Who would knew that one concealer can do so much? ;) 
Concealer is an essential step in my everyday makeup routine. Because I have severe dark eye-circles which contribute heavily to why I started venturing into make-up!
So that's a tad background of how I come about to the world of makeup. Following are the highlights of the following years~~

Highlight of 17 years old: Concealer and I become best buddy! :)

Highlight of 18 years old: Got introduced to the world of BB creams :) highlight of it (and lesson learnt): I was told by a salesgirl when I first got my BB cream (Dr Jarts in Sasa Hong Kong) to apply it like a moisturiser, it was truly a horrifying experience as after the application, my face became so white that it look like I was wearing a face mask.

Highlight of 19 years old: With the help of my dear friend, I gathered my courage to use eyeliner! But I only ended up with korean puppy eyeliner look (update 2017: still am!)

Highlight of 20 years old: another dear friend of mine introduced me to the world of brow makeup and I've also gained a speck of courage to do bold makeups for parties and clubbing.

Highlight of 21 years old: learnt how to put on false eyelashes (best and proudest moment of my life!); started using foundations - NARS Sheer Glow Foundation being my first high-end product; and started shopping at MECCA and other high-end makeup brands

Highlight of 22 years old: obsessed with highlighters (literally!) - it was a year of finding perfect highlighters that glow tf out (final verdict: MAC Soft & Gentle); and mastered up my courage to try with different eyeshadows/makeup look!

Q. Asian or Western makeup?
To be honest, I'm slightly more attracted to asian makeup *no bias intended*, I don't really know why, maybe it's because of their packaging. So darn cute, especially Etude House *.* It's also maybe because of you see how korean/japanese celebrities look like using that specific makeup. Or how youtube gurus look like when they apply that makeup. Or maybe it's simply because I'm the type of girl who prefer to look natural all the time, rather than up *bling bling* all the time/too much cake on my face. *cough cough* Time has changed though. These days, I have stroked up an interest to do bold makeups :) There are just so many endless maybe's of possibilities, that I don't have a certain and exact answer for why I slightly prefer asian over western makeups. I'm neutral. I love both! Is that a good enough answer? :D

PS. I'm definitely not a beauty guru. I'm just an ordinary girl who is intrigued in how makeup revolves around the society nowadays.

Happy reading!

Where to find me:
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Melon xoxo


  1. what is the stick concealer called? I'm looking forward to your upcoming posts! :)

    1. the stick concealer was called, "Solution Concealer Stick 01 in fair"
      similar to this:
      awww thanks :)


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