SASH Cosmetics: Luminous Lipsticks Review

Hello lovely ladies! Since I don't have a valentine, happy valentine's to you all! It has definitely been many moons ago that I've posted on my blog here, so sorry for my recent absence! Was really busy with work and life. Some of you may have noticed that my instagram account has totally disappeared today - woke up this morning and found out my account was deactivated by instagram, according to them, "I violated one of their terms" and I literally gasped when I saw it. I was like what the hell. What did I do?! I didn't do anything wrong. What's going on. My heart shattered to pieces and literally the whole day at work today, I was constantly stressing with what ifs, what now, all my hard work has flushed down the drain, what should I do etc. I was all over the place, my mind was constantly running trying to think of solution! Just then, I found an appeal form, followed the instructions and well fingers crossed, I hope I get my account back in one piec...