Holika Holika Pig-nose Clear Blackhead 3-Step Kit Review

How are you all doing? :D
Done my test and finished my assignment for this week and before I plunge into more (stu)dying for the last week of uni, I decided to do a short review for you all to read!
The only dislike (beside dark eye circles that can't be avoided) feature that I don't like on my face is blackheads, which they *luckily* predominantly appear on my nose as my T-zone does get oily during the day. It's only recently that I've started using the DMC deep cleansing mask, so I was quite interested and intrigued when Ellie introduced me to buy this product too. I read some reviews online that this kit actually work, so I thought to myself, "Why not? Let's give it a try!"
First impression:
So this is the 3-Step Kit is from the Pig-nose (cute name right?) Clear Blackhead line that Holika Holika has! This 3-step kit contains 3 nose strips that:
1. Opens pores
2. Removes blackheads
3. Minimises pores
The instructions on the back *as you can see* are all written in Korean. The directions are in order and the pouches are labelled, hence I roughly knew what to do at the start. And to confirm the use, luckily thanks with the help of Google, the searches confirmed my initial thoughts.
This is the first time that I have ever seen of a blackhead removal product that is packaged so cute! But does it work? Let's find out, shall we? :D
How do I use it?
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While this mask is on my nose, I literally didn't feel anything. When I took it off, visually, I couldn't see any differences and so I was really excited for the next step to see the extracting process!
Step 2 direction was: "Wet nose with water and place step-2 on nose. After 10-15 minutes and slowly remove it from the edge."
To me, the 2nd step felt like that it's just a regular nose pore strip. Since I have never used a nose pore strip before, I'm not sure whether it's made similarly to other brands. It fitted nicely on my nose! I left it for exactly 15 minutes. I was seriously so excited then when I was waiting for my alarm to go off because by peeling these strips off, you can get to see all the dirt, impurities and oil come off and instant results, as you know, are very satisfying to experience first-hand!
And here is my peeled off strip!
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Now time to close the pores!
Step 3 said, "After step 1 & 2, place step-3 on nose. Remove it after 10-15 minutes and gently tap it for better absorption."
The third and last step is a pore minimizing step, and the strip here has two layers: a felt layer on the outside and a gel layer on the inside. This was also really wet and dripped too along my arms. And I too love how cooling the layer of the strips felt! The scent now smelt citrus-y which was quite refreshing! Especially it definitely was what my nose needed after peeling off from the 2nd step! I left this on for a tad longer like around 30 minutes.
Final thoughts:
My nose before definitely looked really yuck, horrible and dirty!! x.x And after is mostly clean and smooth! Thank goodness for the strips kit! Of course some are still tad visible, but I can't complain much as this is the first time I used this, I'm sure with consistent use, it will improve, but for now, I can already say that it's a HUGE improvement compared to before and I LOVE instant results!
Overall, I love this! It does what it claims to do by getting rid of the oil, impurities and dirt out! My pores became the tiniest they've ever been by the time I finished the 3rd step, and in general, I just felt so clean and refreshed with my face!
It's only 3 steps hence wasn't tedious at all and the process was fun to do too! I here thankyou my friend, Ellie to introduce me these lovely magical strip babies! ;)
- unclogs pores and removes blackheads
- 3 steps for thorough cleansing
- fun to use, and instant gratification
- doesn't irritate skin
- none
Would I recommend this to YOU? Yes! Definitely! If you want really instant and thorough blackhead/pore cleansing, it will be a brilliant choice for you to get a hand of this product!
I will be posting my DMC review after the exams, but for a quick note here, I have been using DMC in combination with the strips and so far, it's very effective! This is how I use it: I will apply the jelly mask before I bathe, then wash my face and use this pore pack. Wait for the pore pack to dry, and tear it off... and BAM! I can see tons of impurities stuck onto the pore pack which brings me a sense of achievement. After that I apply pore tightening toner and continue on with my usual skincare routine.
Have you used pore strips before? How did you like them?
Where did I buy this? I bought 3 packs for only $10 at SakuraPerth珀斯美妆, go check her WeChat account out if you live in Perth too! (details down below)
She do deliveries around worldwide! For Australia, free shipping when your total is over $200!
If you live in Perth like me, you can:
Pickup (face-to-face) your items. For example, at uni, if you're a uni student like me! :)
Or if you prefer, you can add her WeChat account and asked for her address, and then you go to the real store to check out the products she offer!
Here are her details:
WeChat ID: sakuraperth
Weibo: LINK
Alrighty... That's it for today's review, hope you all have enjoyed it!
Thank you for reading!
Velene xoxo
*this is blogged according to my own personal opinions and was purchased by myself*
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