Holika Holika Pig-nose Clear Blackhead 3-Step Kit Review

Hello my lovelies! How are you all doing? :D Done my test and finished my assignment for this week and before I plunge into more (stu)dying for the last week of uni, I decided to do a short review for you all to read! The only dislike (beside dark eye circles that can't be avoided) feature that I don't like on my face is blackheads, which they *luckily* predominantly appear on my nose as my T-zone does get oily during the day. It's only recently that I've started using the DMC deep cleansing mask, so I was quite interested and intrigued when Ellie introduced me to buy this product too. I read some reviews online that this kit actually work, so I thought to myself, "Why not? Let's give it a try!" First impression: So this is the 3-Step Kit is from the Pig-nose (cute name right?) Clear Blackhead line that Holika Holika has! This 3-step kit contains 3 nose strips that: 1. Opens pores 2. Removes blackheads 3. Minimises pores The instructions on t...