
Showing posts from December, 2018

Goodbye 2018

* non-beauty content ahead* 2018 is coming to an end, and that last day is today! I'm happily to say that it’s been a pretty important one for me, I hope it has been the same for you guys, but if not, I wish 2019 to be better for y’all. Yep, I'm still alive - despite all the dark thoughts, anxious-filled days and nights, self doubts - nevertheless 2018 has been a year of healing. When you're a pessimist like me, it's easy to see all the bad things that's happened in your life whilst challenging to remember all the good. You really have to force yourself to acknowledge and accept that life isn't so gloom up black and white, instead there's always a rainbow shining through after each rain. I'm thankful and grateful for all the specks of rainbow colours in my world - my close friends that have always checked up on me in my darkest times, family that continue to shelter me, colleagues that support me and you guys sending well wishes through instagram....