Silver Ash Hair Wax REVIEW

Hello hello hello! Welcome back to my blog :) *why do I feel like I'm video-ing this as I am typing it haha?* Anyways, if you have been my following my Snapchat (@veleneeee), you would have seen for the past 2 days, my hair has turned GREY right? Well technically, it supposedly should look like "silver ash".... but on camera on the other hand.... looks like I have turned into a granny lmao! I initially wanted to film like a first impression and review on this product, I did try but since the process of it was really tedious *you will see why* that I didn't end up filming it, hence a written version right here :) So yea, since then, most of you have been spamming my inbox with what product did I use or what colour is it meant to be... well hear up people! I am finally here to reveal what is the magical product ;) LOOK BELOW. (not that you weren't looking right? haha) the magical product! First up, as always... First Impression: The picture itself look...