December empties #04: Maybelline Eye Studio Lasting Drama Gel Eye Liner in Blackest Black Review

And that is the longest title I've ever put on. Excuse my inability to abbreviate it in any form. Why hello everyone! Welcome back to yet another post of an empty product of this month, have you been liking such December empties posts so far? I'd love to hear what you all think! Well, let's a get a move on, shall we! I was on edge whether to publish this post either under a pure review post or under this month's empties because technically, I haven't finish using this product, but because it has been almost dried out and there isn't really any way to revive it, I unfortunately had to throw it away, I had to give it some kind of justice - which is by sharing my thoughts with you all. Enjoy :) They say gel eyeliners are the easiest to master yet I find them the toughest to apply. Personally, I feel it's all about practice, I started off with liquid liners and kept on learning how to apply eyeliner till I succeeded. Be it pencil liners, liquid li...