Clio Tinted Tattoo Kill Brow Review

Ever since I was introduced to the world of eyebrow makeup, I was hooked into it! I have always wanted my eyebrows to be drawn straight to look more youthful! *due to the korean influence haha :P* Sometimes it can be really a hassle to get the stubborn brow nicely drawn especially when you are rushing out and running late. Girls, you do understand right? And aloha, I have finally found my solution! :D And I got to admit my life has become so much easier now - no more rushing to go out in the morning, and even better, extra time for my beauty sleep XD All thanks to Clio's Tinted Tattoo Kill Brow! So as the product name suggests, it is an eyebrow tint. So what is an eyebrow tint? We all know that eyebrow tattoo are currently in trend and many people do actually opt for that to speed up their makeup routine. It gives you pain and sometimes it can make your eyebrows look a little bit unnatural. However, eyebrow tint makes it easier for you *with no pain* to have more natura...